TRWOE 181: Private Skank Investigator

The best an MRA service can give. We cover:
* The G7 spot
* Yet another India free trade agreement
* Right-wing extremism in the Greens
* Socialist chat bots
* The high price of Treaty
* The very misogynist Sue Price
* The racism of catering
* Pesutto deemed a bully
* Dan can’t pay his bills
* Pauline’s Teal jumpers
* ChatGPT taking your job
* The not-so-big invasion of Kiwis
* Deporting Benbrika
* No more trees to log
* Unemployment (un)surprisingly rising
* DV gibs
* Protests for protesters
…and more.

One Comment

  1. As a New Zealander I’m real suspicious of this whole West Papua thing.

    These ‘independence fighters’ seem very keen on negotiating with the so-called ‘government’ of Papua New Guinea… which is just a zioamerican puppet… instead of Indonesia.

    I’m going to guess there’s some NED/CIA money in play there. They want to steal those resources and threaten Indonesia for cooperating with Russia and China.

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