TRWOE 137: Post-Election AnAl-ysis

TRWOE 137: Post-Election AnAl-ysis

Fenian and Nolzy provide an election postmortem. We cover:
* The slow count to Labor majority
* Future Liberal leadership
* Moderate liberals AnAl-hilated
* Racing to the climate change bottom
* Rejecting the two-party system
* Greens and Teals about to piss off everybody
* Socialist WA
* Americanisation of Australian politics
* Why women shouldn’t vote
* Third bong chamber
* Lamenting loss of liberal poz
* Anti-white politics getting real teeth
…and more

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TRWOE 136: Rabbit-Proof Ranch

TRWOE 136: Rabbit-Proof Ranch

This time, Fenian and Nolzy really do record the last episode before the election. We cover:
* Never-ending shitty housing policies
* Bills that illegal immigrants will never pay
* Mail-order job takers
* Good riddance to Michael Gunner
* Free reign for Aboriginal crime
* Illegal Celtic Crosses
* Preferencing a cucked One Nation
* Katherine Deves retracting her retraction
* WA’s GST bonanza
…and more.

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TRWOE 135: Ooh mah, China

TRWOE 135: Ooh mah, China

Randbot joins us for what was supposed to be the last episode before the election. We cover:
* Impending Chinese invasion
* Trusting Latham for the best tweets
* Paying midwits to teach more poz
* Howard’s nuclear meltdown
* Nothing causing inflation except wages
* Neutralising Frydenberg’s visibility
* Gay flags for the regions
…and more.
P.S. Get on for streaming links.

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TRWOE 134: Total Territory War

TRWOE 134: Total Territory War

Northern Territory police are about to be armed to the teeth (not really). We cover:
* Sort of giving religious freedom priority
* Ever expanding deficits
* Infinity Aboriginal housing
* Independents actually backing the Coalition
* The AEC banning cartoons
* Investigating the Chairman
* More, more, more refugees
* Satanic shitheads
* Comedic Cossacks
…and more

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TRWOE 133: Big Farmer

TRWOE 133: Big Farmer

Fenian and Nolzy expose the real industrial complex. We cover:
* No one understanding how interest rates work
* Albo failing pop quizzes again
* Buswell not jailed for white Sharia
* Engineers shafted in Iraq
* Bribing the Solomon Islands further
* Suing the energy sector so they will never get insurance cover
* Replacing on Ag visa for another
* Australian Communist Party owning your house
…and more

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TRWOE 132: Excising the Election

TRWOE 132: Excising the Election
Fenian and Nolzy apologise for being blessed to cover this election. We cover:
* Scare-campaigning with facts
* Albo losing ground to ScoMo…and Jason Clare
* Charitable bribery in the Asia-Pacific
* Tranny-hunters in hiding
* Palmer lining up more lawsuits
* No Jewish celebrations for Zoe Daniel and Tim Wilson
* Tamils praying for a Labor win
* Rachelle Miller at it again
* Porter (vainly) seeking justice
* Never-solving Aboriginal crime
* More crushing of unions
…and more.

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TRWOE 131: Big D for small l’s

TRWOE 131: Big D for small l’s

Fenian and Nolzy again encounter just how gay the Liberal party is. We cover:
* Desk wanking and prayer-room orgies
* Cucking on trannies (again)
* Forgetting about religious freedom
* Promising jobs while outsourcing
* Wentworth’s ‘white’ privilege
* ABC shitting on soldiers again
* ABCC shitting on workers again
* Whores getting payouts for lying
* Lebs on the loose
* One Nation cucking to the ABC
…and more

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TRWOE 129: Dirty LINO

TRWOE 129: Dirty LINO

Fenian and Nolzy swift through the torrent of dirt poured on the Libs just in time for the election. We cover:
* No Lebs in the Eastern suburbs
* Stopping Palestinian Prime Ministers
* Labor’s poorly endowed campaign strategy
* Christian Lobby targeting fake conservatives (all Libs)
* Palmer pissing up more money
* BDS Independents
* Pajeets redpilling the oven-middle class
* Escaping to posh schools
* More stolen generator money
…and more

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