XYZ Live 46: Full Blown NDIS Debt

XYZ Live 46: Full Blown NDIS Debt

This week the boys discuss how the superpowers of the Alt Right are causing the biggest disabilities rort ever seen. We also delve into police covering for online grooming of young boys, the never ending search for racism in the AFL, and yet more reasons why Brittany Higgins is a lying whore.

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TRWOE 181: Private Skank Investigator

TRWOE 181: Private Skank Investigator

The best an MRA service can give. We cover:
* The G7 spot
* Yet another India free trade agreement
* Right-wing extremism in the Greens
* Socialist chat bots
* The high price of Treaty
* The very misogynist Sue Price
* The racism of catering
* Pesutto deemed a bully
* Dan can’t pay his bills
* Pauline’s Teal jumpers
* ChatGPT taking your job
* The not-so-big invasion of Kiwis
* Deporting Benbrika
* No more trees to log
* Unemployment (un)surprisingly rising
* DV gibs
* Protests for protesters
…and more.

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XYZ Live 44: Snuggie Supremacy

XYZ Live 44: Snuggie Supremacy


The XYZ and Racer teams analysed the political fallout from the week’s protests:
-In Perth and Eltham against Groomer Shows.
-In Melbourne’s CBD and Hobart against mass immigration and the housing crisis.

Governments and media are being forced to change their approach due to concerted activist pressure.

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TRWOE 180: Not Brittany Higgins’ First Rodeo

TRWOE 180: Not Brittany Higgins’ First Rodeo

Or her last. We cover:
* The always engrossing Federal budget (and the WA budget too)
* The not-so amazing drop in crime in Qld
* Still failing to motivate dole bludgers
* Asking kids if they want their gonads removed
* AEMO building transmission lines through the bush
* Religious freedom delayed and decayed
* Resorting to gambling to try to pay the bills
* Even more reasons to believe Brittany Higgins is a lying whore
* Sally Rugg’s shit list
* John Pesutto finally getting his way
* The extreme extremist Adelaide University
…and more.

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XYZ Live 43: True Blue Christopher Cantwell

XYZ Live 43: True Blue Christopher Cantwell

He’s true blue only in the Australian sense of the term. Chris was kind enough to join us in the New Hampshire wee hours to discuss:
* Leaving libertarianism
* Peak lolbert cringe moments
* Drawing the sexual consent line
* Leaving the “asshole” persona behind
* His many persecutions as an enemy of the state
* Being a lawyer without the qualifications
* The assistance of Matt Hale
* The immortal Dave Grady in New York
* The battle between the dissident Right and pragmatism
…and more.… Read more

TRWOE 179: Wodjak Lottery

TRWOE 179: Wodjak Lottery

The best perks can involve a dead son. We cover:
* Simplifying the browning of Australia
* 300 “Australians” returning from Sudan
* Yurt real estate
* Budget blues
* Gig economy self improvement
* Pascoe real estate
* Ambulance chasers chasing the Yes vote
* Badges for informed voters
* Cashing in with Jamie Chalker
…and more

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XYZ Live 42: Monster Energy Extremism

XYZ Live 42: Monster Energy Extremism

The okay sign, milk, and now Monster energy drinks. Right-wing extremism is now so extreme Pakistanis are demanding pinned shame Tweets.

Fenian and David also discuss Albo doing nothing on housing all while attending a $1m plus wedding attended by pimps and drug traffickers, as well as the steady rise in intra-Pajeet violence.

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TRWOE 178: Misflagging the Minorities

TRWOE 178: Misflagging the Minorities

Capture the correct minority flag. We cover:
* WA Libs scraping the Victorian barrel
* Shaving the public service
* Bye-bye Bayswater bridge
* Right-wing extremist gel blasters
* Free contraception and surragocy for the broken
* Katherine Deves and Andrew Laming return
* No poll joy for Dutton
* Swany’s still back
* Easy citizenship for Pacific Kiwis
* China securing WA’s budget surplus
* Not curing yellow fever
* Fully Sikh flags in the ACT
…and more.

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