Fenian and Nolzy now offer you the best house cleaning the government can buy. We cover:
* Religious freedom Bill DOA
* No escaping doing a sexism
* Further border opening to browns
* Red Turks
* Reaching the vax cert finish-line
* Red-Green alliance
* ASIO keeping us safe from 13-year-olds
…and more
War On Everything
TRWOE 123: Aboriginal Insulation
Fenian and Nolzy give you the best real estate deal under the Black Sun. We cover:
* Texts to neutralise woman problems
* Vaxxed up courts and churches
* Trains about to be de-railed
* Travel allowances for all
* Woden the drug-addled homosexual bogan
* Facilitating demographic decline
* ChristCuck schools
* Libs fighting the deep state to let in child-rapists
…and more
TRWOE 122: Celebrating Diverse Economic Zones
Fenian and Nolzy find it increasingly difficult to celebrate Australia Day. We cover:
* Copyrighting culture
* Cuckservatives aiding Invasion Day
* Closing nuthouses
* Backflipping for the Chinese
* Banning the biggest Chinese threat (WeChat)
* Working hard leading to accessing CSAM
* Much needed interest rate rises
…and more
TRWOE 121: Escape From WA
Even Kurt Russell couldn’t write a script this bad. Fenian and Nolzy swelter in their heatwave prison to cover:
* WA’s ratshit healthcare system preventing freedom
* Unvaccinated blockades
* Kerry Chant celebrating the deaths of 3 children
* Unforgivable beer taxes
* Striking over them RATs (ah woah)
* The Wildenstein killer
* Refugee slave labour
* Old Parliament House completely rooted
* The youth celebrating the Australian economic zone
…and more
TRWOE 120: He a Proper Important Mandate
Fenian and Nolzy translate English into broken English to bring you up to date with Mark McGowan declaring war against the unvaccinated. Also:
* Deporting Djokovic
* Running out of RATs
* Welfare for dead First Nations
* Importing child sex dolls
* Election super-spreader
* Treating veterans like shit
…and more
Thomas Sewell Interview
Political prisoner Thomas Sewell generously spares some of his time on bail to join The Racer for a broad ranging discussion. We cover the persecution of Australian nationalists, the natural state of nationalism, and bust some of the myths surrounding Tom and his work. Please find Tom on Telegram if you would like to support his legal fight.
This interview appeared as part of episode 119 of The Racer’s War on Everything.
TRWOE 119: Nazi Amish
Fenian and Nolzy return for the first Racer’s War of 2022, featuring an interview with Lads Society founder Thomas Sewell. We cover:
* Relase of the 2001 Cabinet papers
* Blaming anti-vaxxers for Aboriginal crimes
* Banning grog takeaways
* Nationals out-cucking the Libs
* Vax mandates for pygmie venues
* Everyone reading you check-ins
* Maoris not wanting to live with other Maoris
…and more
TRWOE 118: Honk for Identifiably Jewish
Fenian and Nolzy round out 2021 with compulsory COVID and a report on egregious horn beeping. We cover:
* Masks, masks, masks
* Borders open (for foreign workers and students)
* Sovereign supremacists
* Amnesty for illegal fruit-pickers
* Greens securing the junkie vote
* Wigger Australia Party.
* Schools failing boys
* More dependent independents
* ECAJ report on car horns
…and more
TRWOE 117: Free Market Hitler
Fenian and Nolzy report to you from Australia’s only remaining protectionist state. We Cover:
* Sewell free for Christmas
* No Christmas for WA
* George Christensen’s ASIO status
* Lidia Thorpe being anti-4chan
* Destroying Alan Tudge (at last)
* Striking teachers
* More retarded climate targets
* Jussie Smollett comes to Sydney
* Not-so independent Independents
…and more
TRWOE 116: Down with the Sanhedrin
For once we have timestamps with our show notes:
• 0:00:00 – Trolling down under.
• 0:37:00 – The Decepticon Connection
• 0:52:26 – Mandate u in the NT
• 1:13:39 – The feral governement rubber stamps some stuff
• 1:20:00 – Imagine the ICAC smell
• 1:25:00 – Wholly watered down religious bill
• 1:32:00 – Gay bashing review diversion
• 1:37:00 – Clive Palmer is our Barron Harkoonen
• 1:47:00 – Elvish candidate in Wentworth
• 1:52:00 – The not-based get an IRL ban
• 2:02:00 – Some light collapse poasting.
• 2:09:00 – Parliamentarian #MeToo
• 2:20:00 … Read more