TRWOE 84: Dazza and Gazza

TRWOE 84: Dazza and Gazza

Scratch and Fenian bring you all the juicy bits from this week’s political Bold and the Beautiful. Topics include:
* KRudd’s Epstein links
* AFP investigating witness bribery
* Peter Schiff upsetting Walter Block
* Invasive V news
* Yet more visa handouts
* Persecution of Zachary Rolfe
…and more

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TRWOE 83: Holy Basil

TRWOE 83: Holy Basil

All hail Lord Basil. Fenian and Scratch discuss small-fry elections, along with:
* The Armenian Premier’s visa scam
* KRudd’s hate-on for Murdoch
* Credlin tightening the bondage on Chairman Dan
* A sad Australia
* Rwandan entanglement
* White-blue pills

…and more

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TRWOE 82: Super Sacred Budget

TRWOE 82: Super Sacred Budget

Scratch and Fenian provide all the best parts Frydenberg’s right wing Keynesian budget. Also:
* Message sticks and sacred sites
* English classes for Thai brides
* November’s neo-Nazi conference (CPAC)
* George Christensen’s extremism
* PIV news
…and more.

Follow Fenian on Twitter: @BasedFenian
Follow Scratch on Twitter: @GOMADnomad

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TRWOE 81: PIV Republic

TRWOE 81: PIV Republic

Scratch and Fenian cover the stimulating topics of the economy and the usual V news. Includes:
* The Coalition’s embrace of MMT
* The People’s Independent Victorian Republic
* Recovery via fruit
* Labour pains
* Suing Clive Palmer for complimentary comparisons to a great historical figure
* Our painfully slow internet

Follow Scratch on Twitter: @GOMAD_nomad
Follow Fenian on Twitter: @BasedFenian… Read more

TRWOE 80: GDP is Gay

TRWOE 80: GDP is Gay

Scratch and Fenian channel the spirit of Seth Putnam. Topics include:
* John Barilaro’s wog estate
* Compulsory V news
* Zoom New Year celebrations
* Paul Keating’s peak neo-liberalism
* White Supremacist blue lines
* ABC altruistic pay rises
…and more.

Follow Scratch on Twitter: @GOMAD_nomad
Follow Fenian on Twitter: @BasedFenian… Read more

TRWOE 76: Smarter Maritime Invasion

TRWOE 76: Smarter Maritime Invasion

Scratch and Fenian are joined by guest Mike “Nollsy” Nolan to discuss the continued Asian colonisation of Australia, including personal stories regarding ethnic cleansing of white suburbs and persecution of white students at Australian universities. We also cover Stage 4 Victorian lockdowns, Closing the Gap targets, White Power Milk and more reasons not to like Peter Dutton.

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