XYZ Live 11: GayFL

XYZ Live 11: GayFL


David and Fenian discover that everything you love is gay. The ABC become pro-life when it comes to Aboriginal babies, and the most stunning beauty apparently comes in the form of a mentally disturbed man in a gown. Not even your toilets are safe. (Also, please excuse me for incorrectly correcting my audio issues. I’ll try to have them sorted for next week).

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TRWOE 152: SuperMed Saga

TRWOE 152: SuperMed Saga

Fenian and Nolzy are joined by Australian Meditations to discuss the now infamous beer-spitting incident. We cover:
* Defamatory claims of extortion
* Nick McKenzie running scared
* Authorities never wanting to take action
* False claims of Jim’s abuse
* The media and the Left promoting violence and discrimination against nationalists
* Dvir Abramovich advocating our persecution
* Possible future legal action
…and more.

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TRWOE 151: Route 888

TRWOE 151: Route 888

Believe it or not, there was other news this week besides a dead Queen. We cover:
* Abolishing the presumption of innocence
* Andrew Laming defamed
* Rachelle Miller paid out for being a lying whore
* Alexander Downer’s big mouth
* Everyone violating the Code of Conduct
* Regulating Jewish doctors
* Nothing getting cheaper
* Buying “golden visas”
* The Lithium future
* Pattern bargaining sticking it to the bosses
* Funding Russia through India
* Rising forced marriages
…and more

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XYZ Live 9: Dinky Dai

XYZ Live 9: Dinky Dai


Tonight we discuss One Nation being further co-opted by the fake nationalist (Jewish) right-wing. We also go into the farcical coronial inquest into the death of Kumanjayi Walker and Dai Le proudly displaying her war trophy is dispossessing white Australia.

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TRWOE 149: Working Pollock’s Bollocks

TRWOE 149: Working Pollock’s Bollocks

Inflation is so high you need $54k for a hooker. We cover:
* Patterns in pattern bargaining
* More ‘skilled’ Pajeets
* Construction continuing to tank
* Bob Brown wanting punishment
* Dying from the cold
* Multiple inquiries for Multiple ScoMo
* Sacred doodles
* Shaq promoting vice for Abos
* Bye-bye Matthew Guy
* No venue for extremist CPAC
* Hotels for children depicted as torture chambers
…and more.

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TRWOE 148: Multiple ScoMo

TRWOE 148: Multiple ScoMo

All split-personality ScoMo was good for was banning gas projects. We cover:
* AnAl’s disappointing legal advice
* Barnaby not knowing a thing
* Cultural centres for people with no culture
* Supporting the Aboriginal Voice out of spite
* Cutting unemployment by cutting job-seekers
* Fijians arrive to take our jobs
* Unions continuing to accept wage cuts
* Easier green litigation
…and more.

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