Australia’s Shameful Visa System

When Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton suggested back in 2018 that Australia should fast-track the visa applications of persecuted white South Africans, the Left predictably and mockingly accused him and the Coalition government of running a White Supremacist immigration program.

Now that the government has announced (and not merely suggested) that Hong Kong residents will have their applications fast-tracked and visas extended, the only noise from the Left are of grunts that some may not meet the required criteria and could be sent back if they fail a character test. Ever the champions of the down-trodden, it matters not that white South Africans have been driven into dire poverty while HongKongese enjoy salaries 50% higher than the average Englishman.

You see, people from Hong Kong are not white. But because those being slaughtered on a daily basis on South African farmlands are not POC and the Left did not like Peter Dutton doing a racism, they have since used the Australian deep state to actively block ALL humanitarian visa applications coming from white South Africans.

The racial and political motivations here are clear. Australia’s humanitarian and refugee program was offered  to white South Africans in 2008, and humanitarian visas had been approved up to 2018 (albeit a lowly 41). However, since the South African government announced its “land reforms” (seizure of white farmlands) and the ensuing shitstorm over Dutton’s comments, the approvals suddenly stopped. This is despite a surge in whites applying for asylum.

This is not to say Peter Dutton and current Immigration Minister David Coleman do not bear responsibility. They could surely kick some arses and sack the detestable public servants engaged in this blatant bureaucratic activism. Instead, they sit on their hands while our European brethren are massacred and actively support our Asiatic displacement.

But should we expect any better from the Liberal Party? After all, it was Harold Holt who unravelled the White Australia Policy, Malcolm Fraser who authorised the immigration of 50,000 Vietnamese, and John Howard who used his almost 12 years in power to impose Thatcherism while allowing the country to tan like Stan Grant in a solarium.

ScoMo may have thrown us some red meat when he pledged to cut permanent visas by 30,000 annually, but he has proven no better. While the importation of a particular Chinese commodity has provided a much needed migration moratorium of sorts, net migration has drastically increased under the Morrison government. This is thanks to an increase in our refugee intake to 18,750 (which includes 12,000 Syrians and Iraqis but 0 white South Africans) and the rort that is our temporary visa system. Despite abolishing 457 visas, Minister Coleman(stein) continues to allow treacherous employers to import and exploit record levels of third-worlders at the expense of Australians.

Any notion that the Coalition can somehow be the saviour of white Australia needs to be promptly put to rest. Even Peter Dutton, often touted as /ourguy/, oversaw out of control illegal plane arrivals and the same temporary visa scam. And that is not to mention his flagship encryption laws that will no doubt be used to target White Nationalists.

Indeed, Morrison has warned about what future cuts to immigration would mean:

If you’re wanting to hack into the temporary skilled migration program, you’re basically saying you want to hack into the skilled permanent migration program and those communities all around the country. I think that’s an insensitive way of dealing with that and an unbalanced way that’s not only not good for the economy, but equally, I think it puts unnecessary pressures on particular communities around Australia.

In other words, immigration cuts would be bad for the economy and…non-whites.

Labor may be beholden to the woke mob and Greens preferences, but the Libs are equally beholden to ethnic lobbies and the Chamber of Commerce. It should be abundantly clear that both Labor and the Coalition abandoned white Australia long ago.