TRWOE 184: NazBol Rising

TRWOE 184: NazBol Rising

Behold the ALP rising to crush the Zionist entity. Actually, no. We cover:
The false alarm of anti-semitism in the Labor party
Free housing for Abos and for no one else
Ford shedding more jobs
Pushing forward with IR changes
Pay rises for pollies
Big Cs replaced with small l’s
Alex Greenwich admitting he grooms boys
Deficits for the Olympics and green energy
Still paying for Mark McGowan’s legal fees
…and more.

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TRWOE 183: Oriental Gookseberry

TRWOE 183: Oriental Gookseberry

Kiwis owned. We cover:
* Electricity prices never returning to pre-pandemic levels
* Big Pharma creating artificial shortages
* Getting desperate for The Voice
* NazBol Lisa Wilkinson
* Private school class warfare
* Liberal rape-face
* CFMEU engulfing South Australia
* Lobbying jobs for all
* The rich cultural tapestry of studying online
* India wars in Australia
…and more.

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TRWOE 182: Grass Roots Reinforced Wall

TRWOE 182: Grass Roots Reinforced Wall

The Racer officially endorses Tim Smith returning to Parliament. We cover:
Wages almost catching up to interest rates and inflation
* Condoms for Koalas
* Roger Cook being nowhere cool enough
* Not ripping off the NDIS
* No support for John Pesutto
* Voice referendum passing, but with no matching support
* Business protecting their independent contractors
* “Harmonising” cuck crime laws
* Not suspending students because they’re Aboriginal
* Draining funding from the ADF
…and more.

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TRWOE 181: Private Skank Investigator

TRWOE 181: Private Skank Investigator

The best an MRA service can give. We cover:
* The G7 spot
* Yet another India free trade agreement
* Right-wing extremism in the Greens
* Socialist chat bots
* The high price of Treaty
* The very misogynist Sue Price
* The racism of catering
* Pesutto deemed a bully
* Dan can’t pay his bills
* Pauline’s Teal jumpers
* ChatGPT taking your job
* The not-so-big invasion of Kiwis
* Deporting Benbrika
* No more trees to log
* Unemployment (un)surprisingly rising
* DV gibs
* Protests for protesters
…and more.

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TRWOE 180: Not Brittany Higgins’ First Rodeo

TRWOE 180: Not Brittany Higgins’ First Rodeo

Or her last. We cover:
* The always engrossing Federal budget (and the WA budget too)
* The not-so amazing drop in crime in Qld
* Still failing to motivate dole bludgers
* Asking kids if they want their gonads removed
* AEMO building transmission lines through the bush
* Religious freedom delayed and decayed
* Resorting to gambling to try to pay the bills
* Even more reasons to believe Brittany Higgins is a lying whore
* Sally Rugg’s shit list
* John Pesutto finally getting his way
* The extreme extremist Adelaide University
…and more.

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TRWOE 179: Wodjak Lottery

TRWOE 179: Wodjak Lottery

The best perks can involve a dead son. We cover:
* Simplifying the browning of Australia
* 300 “Australians” returning from Sudan
* Yurt real estate
* Budget blues
* Gig economy self improvement
* Pascoe real estate
* Ambulance chasers chasing the Yes vote
* Badges for informed voters
* Cashing in with Jamie Chalker
…and more

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TRWOE 178: Misflagging the Minorities

TRWOE 178: Misflagging the Minorities

Capture the correct minority flag. We cover:
* WA Libs scraping the Victorian barrel
* Shaving the public service
* Bye-bye Bayswater bridge
* Right-wing extremist gel blasters
* Free contraception and surragocy for the broken
* Katherine Deves and Andrew Laming return
* No poll joy for Dutton
* Swany’s still back
* Easy citizenship for Pacific Kiwis
* China securing WA’s budget surplus
* Not curing yellow fever
* Fully Sikh flags in the ACT
…and more.

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TRWOE 177: White Daddy Issues

TRWOE 177: White Daddy Issues

Lidia might have a complicated relationship with her dad. We cover:

* Total lack of shock over Jacinta Price’s promotion
* The new Minister’s total lack of support from the Abo industry
* ABSTUDY going to “indigenous” businesses
* Widening the school attendance gap
* Hiding the Solicitor General’s real views on the Voice
* No more chokeholds in Qld
* Labor reluctantly reigning in crime
* AEMO not being green enough
* 82% of you plastic going to landfill countries
* Lidia refusing to get help
* IBAC refusing to call corruption on Chairman Dan
* NDIS and RBA … Read more

TRWOE 176: Kazakhknackerstan

TRWOE 176: Kazakhknackerstan

End discrimination against Kazakh tinkers. We cover:
* Libs losing Aston
* Greening Queenland’s cities
* The ABC bleeding viewers
* Family law becoming even worse for dads
* Banning diagonal arm-raises
* Vapes are bad, mmkay
* Safeguarding high power prices
* DDoS Jihad
* Being male, pale and stale
* Irish-Kasakhstanis spying for Russia
…and more.

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TRWOE 175: Mark TFD Latham

TRWOE 175: Mark TFD Latham

* But Latham still isn’t based. We cover:
* NSW election postmortem
* Paying dole bludgers to promote cannabis use
* The Abo voice getting softer
* Getting tough on crime (just for the referendum) 
* Upgrading public housing from concrete slabs
* Promoting duopolies to reduce pissheads
* Foreign workers depeleting our standards of living
…and more.

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