The Chinese IQ Ponzi scheme will soon fall. Join Fenian and Scratch (and occasionally Kyber) for a discussion on the real state of the economy, coofing on Clive Palmer, kidnapping scams, Nose Bay, and more.
TRWOE 74: Sinofreude
We delight in the pain of Greens staffers. Fenian and Scratch discuss more gibs from the gubment, the Whitlam files, Aboriginal adoption laws, Palmer’s reckoning day, and more.
Australia’s Shameful Visa System
When Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton suggested back in 2018 that Australia should fast-track the visa applications of persecuted white South Africans, the Left predictably and mockingly accused him and the Coalition government of running a White Supremacist immigration program.
Now that the government has announced (and not merely suggested) that Hong Kong residents will have their applications fast-tracked and visas extended, the only noise from the Left are of grunts that some may not meet the required criteria and could be sent back if they fail a character test. Ever the champions of the down-trodden, it matters … Read more
The Uncuckables 76: You Get What You Deserve
Fenian and Scratch join Tim Wilms and David Hiscox on The Uncuckables, a joint production of The Unshackled and XYZ. We discuss the Victorian lockdowns and do some cheeky anti-libertarian posting.… Read more
TRWOE 73: Bill Deny The Zyklon Guy
Join Fenian and Scratch for an episode that has nothing to do with the title. Topics include Eden-Monaro by-election, V news, new Closing the Gap program, defence spending, Hong Kong visa fast-tracks, and more.
TRWOE 72: DisRespect Dan
Hear the real reasons for Victoria’s spike in Covid-19 cases and more.
Who employs those who wish to erase our history?
The weakest people alive will try to glorify themselves by tearing down the truly amazing strength of the dead.
By now most of us are aware that a Greens staffer partook in the defacing of Hyde Park’s Captain Cook statue. But not too much has been said about her accomplice, Charmaine Morrison-Mills. (Nonetheless, keep reading to also get Xiaoran Shi’s juicy details).
As a public service announcement, we would like to enlighten those who may be wondering just who Ms Morrison-Mills is.
Thanks to some digging by our friend at Australian Meditations, we know that Charmaine … Read more
TRWOE 71: Turkish Delight
Australian Meditations joins Fenian to discuss ethnic branch-stacking in the Victorian ALP, BLM, scumbag defacers of our public monuments, and more.
Cultured Bogans 4: OPSEC Chad
Kyber Mace joins Fenian and Scratch to discuss good OPSEC practices.
Practice safe online intercourse. Don’t bareback the internet. Using a VPN is as good as the withdrawal method.
TRWOE 70: Look At This Gap
The gap never closes
Sources:… Read more